Childcare Philosophy

Encouraging Curiosity & Learning Through Play

Join us online to gain the skills and knowledge needed to instill a sense of wonder in young minds! We've developed a program that will teach you how to combine play and education. Caregivers will learn the types of play and curriculum that support a child’s natural will to learn. Walk away with new skills for your early childhood toolbox and lots of new educational activities to try with the children in your care.

Instructor: Kelsey Dickson, Amy Tierney,& Ashley Gug...

  • Welcome
  • Instructions To Use The Online Learning Platform
  • Terms of Use Agreement
  • Meet Your Instructors
  • Unit 1
  • A Care Provider's Impact
  • Shaping Young Minds
  • Try It Out!
  • Unit 2
  • Areas of Development
  • The Areas of Development in Play
  • By The Ages
  • Unit 3
  • The importance of Play
  • What Learning Is Taking Place?
  • Learning Through Play Activities Handout
  • Learn the Alphabet at Home
  • Unit 4
  • Reggio Emilia Curriculum Style
  • Reggio Emilia Inspired Activities at Home
  • Try This At Home!
  • Describe 2 Emergent Activities
  • Planning Emergent Activities
  • Activities Following A Chid's Interests
  • Unit 5
  • Types of Play
  • Drama Class at Home: DIY Puppet Theater for Kids
  • Resolving Conflicts
  • Be Prepared For Toddler Conflict Resolution
  • Teaching Preschoolers Conflict Resolution
  • Unit 6
  • The Importance of Sensory Play
  • 30 Sensory Exploration Ideas Handout
  • Sensory Play In Action
  • The Importance of Outdoor Play
  • What Open Ended Questions Could You Ask?
  • The Importance of Outdoor Play
  • Completion
  • Completion Test
  • Survey: Tell us your thoughts
  • Continue Learning
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever